Johnson Center for Philanthropy

Johnson Center for Philanthropy

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Sebagai pedoman sektor filantropi dan nirlaba dalam beberapa bulan dan tahun mendatang. Jika sebelumnya laporan mempertanyakan peranan filantropi dalam demokrasi, pada 2022 dan seterusnya lebih berpijak pada gagasan saling memiliki dan aksas timbal balik untuk membangun komunitas. Berikut 11 tren filantropi yang disajikan:

1. Cryptocurrency and Philanthropy: New Donors and New Questions for Nonprofits

2. Reopening Federal Pell Grants for Incarcerated People Means Higher Ed and Funders Can Do More

3. One Health and Animal Protection Philanthropy: A Growing Sub-Sector

4. Philanthropy is Increasingly Embroiled in the Culture Wars

5. Innovations in Talent Investment for Individuals, Organizations, and Communities

6. Increasing Attention to the Decline in Household Giving to Nonprofits

7. Donors of Color are Mobilizing for Their Communities — Often at the Forefront of Emerging Trends

8. Expanding the Definitions of Philanthropy and Philanthropist

9. Philanthropy is Entering a New Era of Engagement with Native Communities

10. Nonprofits are Finding New Ways to Get the Data They Need

11. Nonprofits are Questioning Their Use of Facebook

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